Documents produced by Trimley St Mary Parish Council

From the Horse's Mouth: The latest Horse's Mouth can be found here:

May 2012 Horse's Mouth

This is an occasional newsletter that is distributed to all households in the village.

November 2011

Local Development Framework Consultations

In January & February 2009, Suffolk Coastal District Council (SCDC) asked for comments on two documents:-

1. Core Strategy Preferred Options which shows the SCDC preferred approach towards the future development of the district, covering subjects such as housing, settlement hierarchy, economy, environment and community well-being.

2. Site Specific Allocations and Policies Issues and Options which shows the sites which landowners, developers and others have submitted to the Council for consideration for allocation for development.

Both of these documents can be found on the following SCDC website:-

The Parish Council response to these documents is shown below:-

Core Strategy

Site Specific Allocations

Boundary Commission Review

The Parish Council have responded to the Boundary Commissions proposals for changing local government responsibilities within Suffolk.

Parish Council Response

Potential Directions for Strategic Housing Growth

Suffolk Coastal District Council (SCDC) issued a consultation document in early 2008 where it invited views on where, within two strategic development areas (i.e. East of Ipswich and the Felixstowe and Trimley Peninsula), new housing development should be directed.

This consultation document can be found in the following - Potential Locations for Strategic Housing Growth

The response of Trimley St Mary Parish Council is given in the following - LDF Response Mar 2008

Parish Council Questionnaire results:

Trimley St Mary Parish Council carried out a consultation exercise in September 2005 by distributing a questionnaire to every household in the village. This asked for the views of residents on local planning, road traffic and rail traffic issues as well as some questions about the accessibility of the parish council.

A total of 281 questionnaires were returned which represents 18.6% of the households in the village.

Summary of the response results Submission to the revision of the SCDC Local Plan:

December 2003